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Where can I find real-time cryptocurrency prices?

Explore top cryptocurrencies with, where you can find real-time price, coins market cap, price charts, historical data and currency converter. Bookmark the Price page to get snapshots of the market and track nearly 3,000 coins.

What is the highest price of any cryptocurrency?

Live Crypto Prices Rank Coin Price Market Cap All-time High 1 BTC Bitcoin $ 32804.12 $615.30 B $64763.29 2 ETH Ethereum $ 1998.00 $233.16 B $4391.29 3 USDT Tether $ 1.00 $62.277 B $1.18 4 BNB Binance Coin $ 309.46 $47.481 B $691.56 22 more rows ...

What is the market cap of cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrency Prices Live market cap $1,079,357,125,940 30d volume 24h $71,522,485,192

How do cryptocurrencies work?

Some cryptocurrencies use a strategy called “burning” to reduce their supplies. Tokens are sent to an inaccessible wallet to be removed from circulation. Although this is marketed as a way to increase a cryptocurrency's price, a smaller supply doesn't automatically lead to a higher price. The next factor also needs to be present for this to work.

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